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2024 Breakthrough Vision 21-Day Fasting Challenge

Jan 1, 2024 - Jan 21, 2024

  • 21 Days


Every year for the past ~20 years, my family and I have committed each new year unto the Lord through a time of fasting and praying. It’s been so important for us to ensure we’re aligned with God’s divine direction for our lives and that we enter every single year surrendered and submitted to His will. This year, I’d like to invite you to join me in 21 days of community fasting and praying to commit the New Year to God and align with His divine direction for our lives. Whether you’re an experienced fasting guru or brand-new to this spiritual discipline of fasting, you can expect the exponential power and grace as we join our faith together to believe God for amazing breakthroughs. Receive daily motivational messages that include ‘Daniel Fast’ recipes, scripture references, prayers & journaling prompts that provide insights on how to tap into God’s vision for your life. Culminate the fasting challenge with clarity for your New Year and a means to capture that compelling vision through a Virtual Vision Board Workshop. FAQs Q - Do I need a Facebook or other social media account to participate in the challenge? A - No. The challenge may be accessed via the Wix challenges feature on my website from desktop computer or mobile device. Q - How do I join the challenge? A - You can connect to the Wix challenge via an existing social media or email account (i.e. Facebook, Google). Once your subscription is confirmed, return to this page to JOIN and access the challenge. Q - What must I do to prepare for this challenge? A - Upon joining, you will receive a confirmation email (check your spam folder) with instructions on how to prepare. Q - How will I know what to do during the challenge? A - You will receive daily notifications that guide you through the challenge. Let's get started!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Group Discussion

This program is connected to a group. You’ll be added once you join the program.

Breakthrough Vision 21-Day Fasting Challenge

Breakthrough Vision 21-Day Fasting Challenge

Private39 Members


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